Collateral Damage Video Questions

Answer the following Questions:
  1. What was the impact of the Atomic detonations around the Marshall Islands between 1946-1958?
  2. Dr. Palafox talks about cultural loss and displacement as factors that ARE MORE DAMAGING to Marshall Islanders than the radiation. How does this make sense?
  3. How did the presence of R. R. Ballistic Missile Base affect the lives of the people in the Marshall Islands and neighboring islands?
  4. How do Marshallese people suffer the health effects of developing and industrialized world?
  5. Why do Marshallese people move to Springdale, Kansas? How difficult is it for them to adjust? Explain your answer.
Choose one and answer in a paragraph format:
  1. How did the imbalance of power between the US and the Marshall Islands create unfair living conditions for Marshallese people? What is the US’s responsibility?
  2. How have the globalization and the US Military power affected the economy, culture and diet of Marshallese people? What is the world’s community responsibility towards these people?